Saturday, July 23, 2011

Honey Moon

We've gotten multiple requests to put up some pictures of our honeymoon... and I'm finally getting around to it. The last few weeks have been so busy with work, gym, and trying to set the apartment up and stuff. Looking back and editing these was so fun, but it was kinda weird to think we have already been married over a month! Where the heck did the time go? Its almost august which means that school is starting soon :( boo!

Anywho, back to the honeymoon. We really just wanted to relax as much as we could while we were there and de-stress from all the simultaneous schooling and wedding planning. So we went to different beaches, explored some hikes, went to the PCC and dole plantation and pearl harbor!

Let the picture-fest begin!

This was on the way to the airport in LAX... we were pretty excited to be going on a sweet vacation just as a couple :)

We drove all the way to Waimea beach one day... and it rained the whole time we were there pretty much... but it was still beautiful!

Then we went to the dole plantation. It was pretty sweet seeing all of the different kinds of pineapples just growing everywhere. They even had pink ones! haha of course we had to get a picture as a Pair of Pineapple Pickards :)

That night we went to the cheesecake factory and then went to the beach to watch the sunset... it was beautiful, and we were silly. obviously :)

We also went on a hike to Manoa Falls. It was rainy that day too, but the hike ended up being really fun cause we got to splash around in the mud and see the beautiful waterfall at the end!

One of the days we drove to more of a "locals" beach that had HUGE waves and few people. It was fun, but I was too afraid to get in the water haha (Oh and Daniel was pretty excited because we got to rent a 2011 Convertible Ford Mustang for our trip!)

The day we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center was really fun! However, it rained pretty hard that day too (so no judging the hair peeps). I liked all the different shows, Tonga and Samoa were the best, and the food and the Luau and everything. It was really neat!

On Sunday we found this cute little church and went to sacrament meeting. Then we decided that Pearl Harbor was a good Sunday activity cause you didnt have to pay anything. It was really cool but kinda eerie. It was so sad to think that kind of destruction happened. Seeing the oil bubble up out of the Arizona, was a solemn reminder of all the poor men trapped down there. Then that night we got to meet up with my old teammates Kara and Emiko and their boyfriends and we all had a family dinner :) It was so good to get the ninja crew back together!

One day we did this killer hike called Koko Head. I'm not kidding you people. The locals call it "Natures Stairmaster", and it lived up to its name. It was really hard, but it was so beautiful at the top! Poor Daniel almost fainted at the top... It was a combination of heat, humidity, sun, and hard work haha!

One of the last days we went to this little lagoon. It was so beautiful with white sand, and calm water and it didnt rain! That night we went to the famous Rainbow Cafe and I sported my new favorite shirt I got :)

Well, thats all folks. Sorry that that was the longest blog post known to mankind! And I think I am the slowest blogger in the world! So if this isnt formated correctly, just give a sista a break cause I'm still trying to figure out how to do this stuff! Peace out!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Birthday Shout-Out

Today is my older sister Whitneys birthday! Whitney is one of the most loving, kind, and sweet people I've ever known. I've been so blessed to have a sister as sweet as her, and I've always looked up to her throughout life. If I grow up to become just like her in every way I'll be perfectly happy. Happy birthday Whit, I love you forever!