Friday, January 25, 2013


Wow haven't posted in a while. Fail!

A lot has happened since last posting I guess.  For starters, I am an official college graduate (minus the walking in the graduation ceremonies... that comees in April).  I do have my real diploma already though, which is pretty cool haha I feel legit :)

I started working at Eyre Dermatology (yes my dads office) as a medical assistant.  I am getting to use my anatomy and physiology experience as well as my phlebotomy certification which is great!  I am very grateful to have a job and be gaining awesome experience in this tough economy where it is so hard to find jobs.

Daniel was accepted to Midwestern University (which was his first choice) for a Doctorite of Pharmacy program!  He has also received interview invites to every other school that he completed the applications too, so we're pretty proud!  He has an interview with another top choice school in South Jordan, UT in February so we are preparing for that and hoping it goes well.  Then we will have to decide where we feel like we need to be for the next few years!

We took a trip a few weeks ago to visit family down in California as well as check out the housing situation around Midwestern University which is in Glendale, AZ.  Apartments were a lot more than we thought, but I guess we'll just tack on the extra cost to our future student loans.

For graduation Daniel, his parents, and my parents got me a saWEET nikon camera :)  Then for my birthday I got the nifty fifty lens and I am loving my camera.  I haven't gotten quite as much use out of it as I want, but its hard when you don't have kids to take pictures of, and you get home from work when it is already dark outside.

But I got to use it for our Christmas/New Years card, and when we took our Cali-Zona trip! (p.s. don't judge my photography skills... Like I said I am still learning!  Plus it is daunting to have my sisters and sis-in-law be pro photographers!)

Any tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated :)

Photo Credit: Allegra George

On our way to Arizona there were probably thousands of these windmill thingys

Just a small number of them.  

Poor little Landon had a cold the whole time we were there :(

We took a trip down to Hollywood to see the sign!



Elizabeth Gardner said...

Looks like you had a fun trip! I have been thinking about pharmacology myself and i would love to pick Daniel's brain when he has a free minute, if he wouldn't mind. And ps, by my unprofessional standards your photography skills are amazing! Keep it up!

McKell said...

i am so happy they worked! they look awesome!

allegra said...

the first time I came by, the pics weren't working for some reason so I'm glad that I can see them now!

I love when my sisters update cause it makes me feel not so far away:( So glad you got a camera and so glad you're loving it and experimenting with it! I think the pictures are beautiful already! I'm impressed. Truly. Love you ! And I loved your xmas card. It was so darling.
