Friday, August 10, 2012


It kind of seems like I haven't posted in a while... maybe thats because it has been a while haha.  You'd think that because I have no job and don't really do anything too useful these days, I could at least keep the blog from getting cobwebs.  I could lie and say I will do better, but let's be honest; I'll get to it when I get to it.  With school starting just around the corner, my blogging frequency isn't bound to improve much either.

This summer has been funny.  It has been particularly bi-polar... that is, if a season can be bi-polar.  I swear we go through a couple weeks where we just do nothing at all, then the next few weeks we are traveling, entertaining, and partying like rockstars!  Don't get me wrong, I love a little variety but the huge swings from one end of the spectrum to the other are started to wear me down.

So... here's our summer, mostly (at least the exciting parts.  Because who wants to take pictures of the boring parts where we just sit and watch 24 on netflix?!)

1.  We got to go to San Francisco for a few days for bro-in-law's dental school graduation/ to visit new baby Landon.  It was fun to get to tour the city, but unfortunate our camera was dead.  These pics are from our handy-dandy phone cameras! (We did more than just see the bridge, but sadly forgot to photograph the fun)

Jealous of the frown? I worked really hard for it... totally appropriate for the sign! 
2.  We have tried to spend as much time outside this summer as possible!  We've gone on some hikes, bike rides, runs, boating and so on and so forth.  I love being outside with people I love, and being immersed in the beautiful nature that God has blessed us with.  I hope we always live close to somewhere where we can explore and appreciate the beautiful landscape.

Beautiful Bridal Veil Falls

I have awesome videos of us wakeboarding and whatnot but they don't seem to want to be loading... frustrating.  Oh well, my skills are very very limited (I triumph when I do not face plant after jumping), but Daniel has legit skills! He motivates me to want to be better, thats for sure.

3. On June 18th we had our one year anniversary!  What the?!  How has it already been a year since we were married?  I have no idea!  We didn't do anything too extravagant for our anniversary, but we spent time together, which is good enough for me!

My sweet and generous parents brought by these cute goodies to help us celebrate... thank you!!!

Our delicious meal!  Salmon is my favorite, and Daniel also made it for me the night he proposed :)

The top tier of our wedding cake.  The cake part was great, the icing part was not so great... still fun!

My amazing hubby got me a bunch of fresh peonies (one of my favorites)!  They lasted long, smelled so great, and were very beautiful!!!

4.  Daniel's little sister Krista got married!!  We went out to California, and it was beautiful.  Sadly, we didn't take any pictures... but in our minds it is beautiful.   Then they had a reception out here, so we got to see the whole fam again and spend some time together.  We went up to Park City a few days and it was so fun to ride the Alpine Coaster, and Slide!

5.  Daniel took the PCAT exam and did awesome!!! 94th percentile overall (and 99th percentile in chemistry)  what a smarty!  He has been working hard writing his personal statement, getting his application polished, and of course dominating his exam!

6.  We were able to go out and visit my sister Allegra and her hubby and kids last week.  It was so fun to be able to kinda pick up last minute and make the long drive out there.  I think road trips are exciting, so the 13.5 hour trek each way wasn't too bad.  We had so much fun going to the beach, on a ferry, berry picking, to a park and visiting our great friends Holland and Matt.

Finally in Washington... only a few more hours to go!

On the Ferry to Bainbridge Island... So fun! (Thanks for the pictures allegra! )

So delicious!! And really cheap too :) 

Max loved getting buried in the sand... he probably got buried 6 different times, no joke!

Love this little Ruby girl

She didn't like it at first...

but then she got comfy!

and then they snuggled!  Max and Ruby are just too cute for words!

"I like your glasses Addalie..."  -Ruby

At Gas Works park with the kids after meeting with Holl and Matt!  So fun :)
There were a bunch of weirdos in the park trying to slip-n-slide drunk.  Ok ok it was actually really entertaining. 

Whatever number I'm on now.  Today I went to the Truck Show at Thanksgiving point with Whit, Warren and my mom.  It was actually pretty cool seeing how high tech those things can be inside.  There were some seriously tricked out semi-trucks.  Plus because Warren is so stinking adorable, most of the owners were really nice and let us sit in the trucks and take pictures and what not. 

In the cow train today at the Truck Show..
Wouldn't this be awesome to rent for like a girls trip or something?  Or as a family vacation vehicle?

Well that about sums up the past couple months!  Its been great to be so many places and spend time with friends and family :)  We are very grateful for those around us that love and care and do so much for us.  We are truly blessed!

1 comment:

allegra said...

i'm so glad you guys came out! it was fun to get you all to ourselves for a bit! we miss you a lot. i love all the sand pictures--so cute. good luck with all the school stuff starting up again--you're almost done, woot woot!
